The goal now, say its designers, is to transform the lives of millions living on the front line of climate change by restoring agricultural land ruined by decades of overuse when done, it should provide food, stem conflict and discourage migration.

Now, as concerns mount about the impact of climate change on the Sahel, the semiarid band of grassland south of the Sahara that is already one of the most impoverished regions on earth, the Great Green Wall is filling a new role. Its early August, and in less than a week, 399 volunteers from 27 countries will arrive in this remote corner of northern Senegal to participate in one of the worlds most audacious efforts to combat the effects of climate change: an 8 billion plan to reforest 247 million acres of degraded land across the width of Africa, stretching from Dakar to Djibouti. Ggw Hottest Girl In America 5 Free In This.