Although you will not need your educational materials for this session, please pack a picnic style lunch, beverages, a bathing suit & towel, and sunscreen, along with your personal gear. Because PADI/SDI training is standardized the student will accomplish the same skills/be evaluated on specific skills no matter where the training is conducted. Later, during your Open Water certification dives, you will be evaluated on some of the skills that you learned in the pool. It is during your water time that the required skills are accomplished to make you a safe diver. Before donning SCUBA gear there is a swim evaluation 200 yards, any stroke, and a 10 minute float/tread as required by the certifying agency, PADI/SDI. From the shop we will head out to a designated Mesa Parks & Rec pool for a day of training and fun. The student is responsible for having their personal gear mask, fins, dive boots and snorkel prior to this day of training.

Students and Instructors will meet at Saguaro Diving, generally at 8am, and start the day with SCUBA gear assignment and set-up. The most commonly cited advantage by Nitrox users is that they feel less fatigued and suffer from fewer headaches over repetitive dives on multi-day dive trips.The pool segment of your Open Water training is scheduled as a one day event. In fact, many recreational divers choose an air computer with Nitrox to profit from the considerable extra safety margin that the gas provides as well as the significant benefits in energy and alertness. However, it is not necessary to own or rent a Nitrox computer to use Nitrox successfully or safely. NAI'A has Nitrox diving computers available for rental use. Many people like to dive Nitrox using a programmable-mix Nitrox computer to achieve the maximum bottom-time benefits that the gas allows at depths shallower than 130 feet.

If you would like to take the PADI Nitrox Diver course aboard NAI'A, please request this upon booking so that we can confirm the availability of the instruction during your chosen cruise date. The course involves approximately four hours of lectures culminating in an exam and you then have the option of using Nitrox immediately. The PADI course is succinct, interesting, simply presented and designed with traveling live-aboard divers in mind. You can become certified as a PADI Nitrox Diver during your NAI'A cruise. The NAI'A system and its operators are also capable of providing specific mixes between 21%-100% by special request for recreational or rebreather diving. We use a sophisticated high-capacity membrane system to achieve the standard 32% (NNI) mix. NAI'A offers Enriched Air Nitrox (EAN) to divers who are certified to use Nitrox by any reputable training agency.